Dissemination of information has been a regular and important activity of AARDO and it shares information through publications, library and website. During the triennium 2021-2023 and extended year 2024, the quality of publications (Arabic, English and French) will continue to be further enriched by using latest printing technologies and innovative designs. Besides, new institutions/universities working in the field of agriculture and rural development will be identified to exchange publications for mutual benefits.

The AARDO Library will continue to sourcing latest books/reports and periodicals on subjects, specifically relating to technical activities of the triennium. Brief information on the latest books/reports received in the Library will continue to be uploaded on AARDO's multi-lingual website for wider dissemination. During the triennium 2021-2023 and extended year 2024, the website will be made more interactive and user-friendly to receive comments/suggestions/feedbacks through Alumini Forum and Feedback Form, in addition to the newly launched e-Nomination Form. The website will be updated by uploading information on the technical and organizational activities as well as current and back issues of AARDO publications.

As social media is playing a crucial role in disseminating information, AARDO will continue to remain active on the Facebook.