NEWS 2019
Training Programme on “Seed Production and Quality Evaluation”
04 - 15 November 2019
The specialized capacity building programme on “Seed Production and Quality Evaluation” was organized by AARDO, in collaboration with Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, at Division of Seed Science and Technology (DSST), ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR-IARI), New Delhi, India, during 04 to 15 November, 2019, under the Additional Technical Contribution provided by the esteemed Government of India to AARDO for the lager benefits of the member countries. This was the eighth training programme in the series, started in 2010.
The programme was attended by ten (10) participants from 10 AARDO member countries, namely, Republic of China (Taiwan), Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Palestine, Sri Lanka and Syria.
The training programme was inaugurated by Dr. K. V. Prabhu, Chairperson, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority (PPVFRA), Government of India on 04 November 2019. The other dignitaries present were Dr A. K. Singh, Joint Director (Res.), ICAR-IARI, Dr. D. K. Yadava, Head, DSST Division and Course Coordinators; Dr. S. K. Yadav, Dr. S. K. Lal, Dr. Sudipta Basu and other faculty members.Dr. D. K. Yadava, Course Director welcomed and handed over the registration kit and other reference material to the trainees. Dr Prabhu delivered his keynote address on “Plant Variety Protection: Indian Prospective”. A group photograph and interactive session with the faculty and experts was also organized.
The programme was divided into plenary sessions of presentations on various issues of seed production technology and field visits to apprise the delegates on seed production and quality evaluation issues. These sessions were included presentation of expert papers and country reports.
The participants were exposed to seed technologies through class room lectures, practical demonstrations, hands on exercises and study visits to the Institutions/Projects related to the subject of the programme. During the course of deliberation, issues such as Seed Production and Quality Evaluation; Seed Industry; Seed Quality Assurance System; Procedure of Seed Sampling; Management of Seed Testing Laboratories; Plant Variety Protection; Experience on Seed Coating and Testing of Coated Seeds; ISTA International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Accreditation – Procedure and Benefits; and Post-harvest Handling and Safe Storage of Seed; etc., were addressed by eminent resource persons and faculty of IARI. The field visits to agricultural projects and programmes also provided an opportunity to the participants to study and learn from the rich and varied Indian experiences.
The Valedictory Function was held on 15 November 2019 at NASC Complex, New Delhi. His Excellency Dr. Manoj Nardeo Singh, Secretary General, AARDO graced the occasion as Chief Guest along with Dr. S. K. Rao, Vice Chancellor, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (RSKVV), Gwalior and Dr. S. Rajendra Prasad, Vice Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore as Guests of honour. Dr A.K. Singh, Deputy Director General (Extension) and Director, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi presided over the function. The other dignitaries present were Dr A. K. Singh, Joint Director (Res.), ICAR-IARI, Dr J. P. Sharma, Joint Director (Extn.) and Dr. D. K. Yadava, ADG (Seeds) & Head, DSST Division, IARI. Ms. Nurul Izzati Mohd Zawawi, Second Secretary (Political), High Commission of Malaysia, New Delhi and Dr. Khushnood Ali, Programme Coordinator & Head, Research Division, AARDO were also present.
The programme began with welcome address by Dr. D. K. Yadava, Course Director. Dr. S. K. Lal and Dr. S. K. Yadav, Course Coordinators briefed the august gathering about the course and presented an evaluation report based on the feedback obtained from the participants, respectively. On behalf of the participants, Mrs. S. Banumaty (Mauritius) and Mr. Charles Richa (Lebanon) presented report and feedback on the programme. Dr A. K. Singh, Joint Director (Res.) and Dr J. P. Sharma, Joint Director (Extn), ICAR-IARI apprised about IARI’s congenial environment and high-class infrastructure, including competence of faculty, well equipped labs., farm demonstration units and national facilities like National Phytotron facility and state-of-the art Plant Phenomics facility etc. which acts as catalyst for smooth conduct of the training. The inquisitive nature of trainees and their zest to learn new technologies were appreciated.
While delivering his address, Dr S. K. Rao focused on better utilization of knowledge for upgradation of seed production and quality assessment in their respective countries. Dr. R. Prasad shared his experiences of participatory seed production and transfer of knowledge to the organizations associated with seed technology. Dr. A. K. Singh, Director, ICAR-IARI thanked AARDO for selecting IARI as one of the Institutes for organization of this training programme. He emphasized on the importance of quality seed as the basic determinant for enhancing agricultural production and productivity. He also congratulated the participants and urged them to act as the ambassadors of IARI and disseminate the knowledge in their respective countries.
The Chief Guest, H.E. Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Secretary General, AARDO, distributed the certificates to the participants and complimented them for successful completion of training programme. He highlighted the activities of AARDO towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals in collaboration with Institutions in AARDO member countries. He emphasized the importance of such capacity building programmes for providing technical expertise in the selected areas. He shared his views on role of different Institutions and Organizations at Regional and International levels and stressed on the need of technology transfer in a speedy manner in African-Asian countries as well as offered AARDO’s platform to catalyze such initiatives for the larger benefits of AARDO member countries. The valedictory function ended with a vote of thanks.
Deputation of Expert from India to Mauritius
25 November - 13 December 2019
On receipt of a request from the Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives (Business and Enterprises Division) through Prime Minister’s Office (National Development Unit), Government of the Republic of Mauritius, AARDO deputed Dr. R.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (ICAR-CIPHET) Ludhiana, Punjab, India, as an expert, in setting up of “Mini Fruit Processing Plant” in Mauritius. The expert will be advising on setting up of different types of processing of fruits in mini plants. He will also provide expertise on Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certification and capacity building of different stakeholders as well as technical guidance on HACCP plans. Dr. R. K. Singh, who is currently in Mauritius, had a meeting with H.E. Mr. Soomilduth Bholah, Minister of Industrial Development, SMEs and Cooperatives, Government of the Republic of Mauritius on 25 November 2019 and discussed measures to uplift the livelihood and income of growers and possibilities of transforming backyard fruit farming into a specialized/contract farming in order to ensure availability of raw materials for processors. Dr. R. K. Singh also discussed the possibilities to tap domestic and export market with unique Mauritian products and explore potentials of forest fruits for processing. The detailed report of the visit will be uploaded after completion of the Mission on 13 December 2019.
Training Programme on “Use of Poor Quality Waters in Agriculture” at Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal, Haryana, India
23 October to 05 November 2019
The above titled specialized training programme was organized by AARDO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India, at Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal, Haryana, India, during 23 October - 05 November, 2019, under the Additional Technical Contribution provided by the esteemed Government of India to AARDO for the lager benefits of the member countries.
It was attended by the nine (09) participants from 08 AARDO member countries, namely, Republic of China (Taiwan), Malawi, Malaysia, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia and Zambia.
The programme was inaugurated on 23 October 2019 by the Chief Guest, Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Founder of G.S. Foundation of Agricultural Research, Development and Education, Ex Chairman, Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB) and presided over by Dr. Prabodh Chander Sharma, Director, ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal. The Chief Guest highlighted the importance of topic for this training in current agriculture scenario and mentioned the serious global agricultural problems. He appreciated the efforts of AARDO member countries, MoRD and ICAR to provide a platform for sharing information and holistic approaches to tackle these problems.
The programme was divided into plenary sessions of presentations on various issues of poor quality water and field visits to apprise the delegates on parameters of poor quality water and management issues. The sessions included presentation of expert papers and country reports. The thematic covered aspects were: categorization of poor quality water; use of modern tools for enhancing crop productivity; bio-saline agro-forestry; subsurface drainage and bio-drainage; sewage and industrial wastewater management; techniques for recharging and utilization of poor quality groundwater; microbial remediation of heavy metals contaminated wastewater; etc. The hands on practical trainings were, in situ, examination of salt affected soil profile for reclamation and management; gypsum/ amendments requirement in reclamation of sodic soil and irrigation water; assessment of poor quality parameters in irrigation water and bioremediation of poor quality water, etc.
During the field visits, the participants visited ICAR-CSSRI Experimental farm, historical places in Kurukshetra, Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRP) and world heritage sites at Agra (Uttar Pradesh).
The Valedictory Function held on 05 November 2019, was graced by His Excellency Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Secretary General, AARDO as Chief Guest. Dr. P.C. Sharma, Director CSSRI presided over the function. In his address, the Chief Guest highlighted the problems of poor quality water in AARDO member countries and the relevance of this capacity building programme for sustainable use of poor quality water in these countries. He emphasized the need on transfer of technologies and knowledge in the areas. He mentioned that AARDO in collaboration of various governments of member countries is playing an important role to fill this gap of demand and supply of various innovations in the field of agriculture and rural development. More efforts in this direction are required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Dr. P. C. Sharma, in his address, highlighted the achievements of CSSRI, its expertise and long experience of organizing such training programmes in collaboration with AARDO and other international/national organizations.
Earlier, Dr. R. K. Yadav, Programme Director, CSSRI presented a brief report on various activities under taken during the period of the training programme. The participants from R.O. China (Taiwan) and Malaysia also shared their experiences and feedback on the programme. A brief report on evaluation of the training was presented by Dr. R.K. Singh. Dr. Gajender, Course Coordinator proposed a vote of thanks.
Workshop- cum- Training Programme on “Fisheries and Aquaculture”,
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Kochi, Kerala, India
15 to 29 October 2019
AARDO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, organized the above specialized workshop-cum-training programme, at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Kochi, Kerala, India, from 15 to 29 October, 2019, under the Additional Technical Contribution provided by the esteemed Government of India to AARDO for the lager benefits of the member countries.
It was attended by the ten (10) participants from 10 AARDO member countries, namely, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritius, Morocco, Oman, Sri Lanka and Zambia.
In the inaugural function held on 15 October 2019, Dr. Imelda Joseph, Head, Mariculture Division & Course Director of the programme delivered her welcome address. Dr. Sunil Kumar Mohamed, Director- in-Charge inaugurated the function by lightening the lamp. Dr. Somy Kuriakose, Principal Scientist and Course Coordinator proposed a vote of thanks.
During the course of deliberations, the trainees were exposed to various aquaculture/mariculture topics like technological advancement in global aquaculture, mariculture in India, environment and mariculture and micro algal culture for fish larval rearing, ecosystem modeling in fisheries and aquaculture, monitoring and assessment of marine fish landing in India, climate change and resilient strategies and social engineering for fisheries. Also they visited ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Kochi on16 October 2019 and the major fishing harbour at Munambam, Kochi on 17 October 2019.
Visits to the Regional Centres of ICAR-CMFRI at Mandapam and Vizhinjam helped the participants to have hands on experience in various mariculture activities such as Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tagging and cannulation biopsy for maturation studies, assessment of oocyte maturity, induction of spawning, live feed culture, marine fish farming, seed production of marine and freshwater ornamental fishes, seaweed farming, Recirculatory Aquaculture System (RAS) etc. In addition, experts shared their knowledge in reservoir fisheries management in India and the necessity for a mariculture policy in developing nations, etc. The participants also visited satellite hatchery of CIFT tilapia and fresh water ornamental fish farms, at Madurai and Kochi.
The Valedictory Function, held on 29 October 2019, was attended by His Excellency Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Secretary General, AARDO as Guest of Honour. Dr. A Gopalakrishnan, Director ICAR-CMFRI presided over the function. Dr. C. N. Ravisankar, Director, ICAR- CIFT, Kochi was invited as the Chief Guest. Dr Imelda Joseph, Course Director welcomed the dignitaries and briefed about the training programme.
H. E. Dr. Manoj Nardeo Singh, narrated about the collaborative research programmes taken up by different countries and its impact on the infrastructure development, poverty alleviation and nutritional security in the under developed/developing counties and emphasized on the need to leapfrog technology transfer for impactful development. Dr. C. N. Ravisankar, highlighted the need of international collaborations to share and solve various issues that are common to all nations through trainings and transfer of technology. Dr. Somy Kuriakose, Principal scientist and Course Coordinator proposed a vote of thanks. Earlier, some of the participants also shared their views and experiences and gave feedback on the programme.
The Secretary General Called on Honourable Minister of Rural Development, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare & Panchayati Raj, Government of India
11 October 2019
H.E. Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, after taking over the charge of the new Secretary General, AARDO, called on His Excellency Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of Rural Development, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare & Panchayati Raj, Government of India on 11 October 2019. During the meeting, the Secretary General apprised the Hon'ble Minister about the activities and programmes of AARDO as well as the new initiatives and strategic directions, he proposes to take up during his tenure. He also discussed issues of common concerns including training programmes offered by the esteemed Government of India to AARDO under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme and possibilities of enhancing cooperation between India and AARDO in disseminating successful Indian models, initiatives and technologies of rural development. Ms. Nita Kejrewal, Joint Secretary (IC) in the Ministry was also present in the meeting.
Before leaving the office of the Honourable Minister, the Secretary General expressed his sincere thanks to the esteemed Government of India for extending support on his election and also expressed deep appreciation for the Additional Technical Contribution to AARDO. The Secretary General was assured of the continuous support by the Government of India. A set of AARDO publications was handed over to the Hon'ble Minister.
India International Cooperatives Trade Fair (IICTF)
11 - 13 October 2019
The National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC),New Delhi in association with the Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific (NEDAC), Bangkok, organized the “First India International Cooperatives Trade Fair (IICTF)” on the theme of “Globalization of Cooperative Trade”, during 11-13 October 2019 at New Delhi.
The IICTF was inaugurated by H.E. Mr. Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of Rural Development, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, & Panchayati Raj, Government of India.
One of the business seminar had the same theme as that of the Fair.The Secretary General, AARDO was a co-panelist of that Session with representatives from UN Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO) and UN International Labour Organization (UN ILO).
AARDO KOICA Joint Training on "Sustainable Rural Development (SRD)", Ansan, R O Korea
22 September – 12 October 2019
African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) in collaboration with Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Government of the Republic of Korea organized Joint Training on "Sustainable Rural Development (SRD)" at Seongnam and Ansar, R O Korea from22 September to 12 October 2019. The training aimed at capacity building of participants for further enhancing their organizational and institutional capacity to contribute in policy and strategy formulation on sustainable rural development.
The training, following an orientation session was inaugurated by Dr. Yo, Woon Shik, Chairman, International Education and Exchange Center (KRC-IEEC) on 23 September at RC-IEEC, Ansan. It was attended by 18 participants from 13 member countries, namely Bangladesh, Ghana, Egypt, India, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Palestine, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Zambia.
During the plenary sessions, lectures by experts and country reportsby participants were presented and followed by discussions and preparation of action plan. The lectures delivered by korean experts covered various important aspects including Effective Rural Development Strategies to Achieving SDGs, Rural Infrastructure and livelihood, Green Technology for Growing Vegetable and Preventing pests, Capacity Building for Rural Development, Crop Production and Post-harvest Technology, etc. Besides, , two experts deputed by AARDO, one each from India and Pakistandelivered presentations on “Sustainable Agricultural Base and the Quality of Life” and “Suggestions for Value Chain Improvement and Management” respectively.
During the field visits, the participants were exposed to Korean experiences in rural development through visits to various projects and concerned organizations which included Suracheong Rice Processing Complex(RPC), Gunsang; Agricultural Production Improvement(High Income Crops Cultivation Complex), Cheonan; Agricultural Theme Park, Yongin; Cooperatives Operation and Products Processing (Green Cooperatives), Daebu-do; Green Technology for Growing Vegetable and Preventing Pests, Mokpo; Disaster Management- Main Control Center,Naju city; and Rural Development Administration. These visitsprovided first-hand information to the participants on Korean experiences in sustainable rural development. The training successfully concluded with Valedictory Session and award of certificates to the participants.
Delegation of Young Ambassadors from Republic of China (Taiwan)
30th August 2019
A 28-members delegation of Young Ambassadors from Republic of China (Taiwan), led by Mr. Lin, Ming-Cheng, Senior Officer in Foreign Service, Government of Republic of China visited the AARDO Secretariat, New Delhi on 30 August 2019 with the objective to continue establishing platforms for Taiwan’s Young Ambassadors to promote public diplomacy and provide opportunity to participate in international affairs. Mr. Chih-hao Jack Chen, Deputy Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC) in India, New Delhi accompanied the delegation. The delegation was accorded a hearty welcome by H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Secretary General-Designate and senior officers of the AARDO Secretariat.
Welcoming the delegation, the Secretary General stated that he felt glad to receive the young ambassadors in the AARDO Secretariat from different fields and different level of the society. Making a brief mention about AARDO, he stated that AARDO is one of the earliest examples of African-Asian solidarity and South – South cooperation.
Mr. Lin, Ming-Cheng, Leader of the delegation thanked the Secretary General, Secretary General – Designate and Secretariat officers for extending them a warm welcome. He informed that delegation members are visiting India and other places under the Taiwan’s South-South cooperation and Southbound policy. He succinctly touched upon Taiwan’s technological advancements in the field of agriculture and expressed the country’s willingness to share its’ experiences with other countries. He also mentioned Taiwan’s strong cooperative relations with AARDO since it joined the Organization in 1968 and its active participation in AARDO’s technical / organizational activities.
The Secretary General - Designate, in his remarks, stated that AARDO operates in the continents of Africa and Asia and these two continents are the future of the world. AARDO is very rich in terms of connecting Africa and Asia and working in the field of rural and agricultural development. He appreciated Republic of China’s active participation in AARDO’s technical and organizational activities. He also thanked Government of Republic of China for supporting AARDO’s technical activities, by hosting training programmes and study visits for the participants from member countries. He succinctly mentioned and appreciated the achievements of Republic of China in field of rural /social development. He urged the young ambassadors to play prominent roles in achieving sustainable development goals.
After these remarks and a brief self-introduction by the delegation members, the Head of Administration and IEC Divisions gave a presentation on AARDO and its activities. Thereafter, a question and answer session was held in which many of young Ambassadors raised interesting observations and sought more information about AARDO. Some of the young ambassadors gave cultural performances showing their talent in flute playing, singing, dance, etc.
At the end, the leader of the delegation presented mementos to the Secretary General and the Secretary General - Designate. On behalf of AARDO, the Secretary General presented mementos to the leader of delegation, Deputy Representative (TECC) and other delegation members. The delegation visited the Library and Documentation centre of AARDO and had a look at multilingual AARDO publications. Before departing, a group photograph was taken.
Delegation of Young Agricultural Ambassadors from Republic of China (Taiwan)
23th August 2019
A 19-members delegation of Young Agricultural Ambassadors from Republic of China (Taiwan), led by Mr. Lin, Chin-Hung, Deputy Director General, Council of Agriculture, Government of Republic of China visited the AARDO Secretariat, New Delhi on 23 August 2019 with the objective to continue establishing platforms for Taiwan’s young agriculturalists to keep up with international trends and expand agricultural innovative capacity. Mr. Chih-hao Jack Chen, Deputy Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC) in India, New Delhi accompanied the delegation. The delegation was accorded a hearty welcome by H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Secretary General-Designate and senior officers of the AARDO Secretariat.
After a brief self-introduction by the delegation members, the Secretary General welcomed them and stated that he felt glad to receive them in the AARDO Secretariat. Making a brief mention about AARDO, the Secretary General stated that the Organization, since its inception in 1962, has been playing a significant role in rural and agricultural development and poverty alleviation in the African-Asian region. He succinctly touched upon AARDO’s strategies for rural development in its member countries. He stated that Republic of China has been very generous in supporting AARDO’s technical and organizational activities since it joined the Organization in 1968. Referring to the visits undertaken by the Young Agricultural Ambassadors to other institutions in New Delhi as well as to a cooperative society in Alwar district of Rajasthan since their arrival in New Delhi on 18 August 2019, the Secretary General was sanguine that the interaction with concerned institutions had widened their horizon on Indian agriculture scenario.
Mr. Chih-hao Jack Chen thanked the Secretary General for extending them a warm welcome. He mentioned that delegation was in India to engage in exchanges with local entrepreneurs, officials and academics to enhance their understanding of New Southbound Policy partner nation and strengthen agricultural cooperation.
These remarks were followed by a presentation by the Head, Administration and IEC Divisions on AARDO and its technical and organizational activities, collaboration with international/regional organizations, dissemination of information and networking, etc. After the presentation, a question and answer session was held in which many of young Ambassadors raised interesting observations and sought more information about AARDO.
The Secretary General - Designate, in his remarks, stated that Young Agricultural Ambassadors are the future leaders and extended them his best wishes. He invited them to visit AARDO website and come up with suggestions for AARDO.
The leader of the delegation thanked the Secretary General and his colleagues for extending them a warm hospitality. In turn, the Secretary General appreciated the delegation’s visit to AARDO Secretariat and wished them a safe journey back home.
At the end of the meeting, the leader of the delegation presented mementos to the Secretary General and the Secretary General - Designate. On behalf of AARDO, the Secretary General presented mementos to the leader of delegation, Deputy Representative (TECC) and all other delegation members. The delegation visited the Library and Documentation centre of AARDO and had a look at multilingual AARDO publications. The meeting ended with a group photograph.
Liaison Committee | 74th Session
20th August 2019
The 74th Session of the Liaison Committee of AARDO was held on 20th August 2019 at ‘The Claridges’ Hotel, New Delhi, India under the chairmanship of H.E. Dato' Hidayat Abdul Hamid, High Commissioner of Malaysia to India, and Hon’ble Chairman of the Liaison Committee of AARDO. The Session was attended by thirty (30) delegates from twenty one (21) member countries, namely, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of China (Taiwan), Arab Republic of Egypt, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of the Gambia, Republic of India, Republic of Iraq, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Lebanon, State of Libya, Malaysia, Republic of Mauritius, Kingdom of Morocco, Republic of Namibia, Sultanate of Oman, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, State of Palestine, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of Tunisia, and Republic of Yemen. In addition, H.E. the Ambassador of Dominican Republic and Dean of Diplomatic Corps and H.E. the Ambassador of Turkmenistan, the delegates from esteemed Embassies of Republic of Indonesia, Lao PDR, Republic of Maldives and High Commission of Rwanda as well as Representative from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) India office, attended the meeting as Observers too. His Excellency Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO attended the meeting as Member Secretary to the Liaison Committee.
The Session commenced with the address of the Secretary General, AARDO, who warmly welcomed the Chairman and the two Vice-Chairpersons of AARDO Liaison Committee from Africa and Asia and other distinguished delegates to the 74th Session of the Liaison Committee of AARDO. It was followed by the address of the Hon’ble Chairman of the Liaison Committee. Thereafter, in the Inaugural Session, Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Assistant Secretary General, who was elected as Secretary General by the Special Session of AARDO Executive Committee on 11th June 2019, delivered his address. The Hon’ble Chairman presented a documented memento to H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, who will be demitting the office of the Secretary General on 2nd September 2019.
After the presentations, the Committee commenced its business session with the adoption of its Provisional Agenda. It, thereafter, took note of the follow-up actions taken/proposed to be taken by the AARDO Secretariat on the decisions/ recommendations of the 71st Session of AARDO Executive Committee and the 73rd Session of the Liaison Committee.
The Committee further took note of the review of AARDO activities, Membership Contribution and Member Relations for the period, January to June 2019. The Committee was also appraised about the projected programmes of AARDO to be organized from July to December 2019. It decided to hold its next (75th) Session on 20th February 2020 as well as approved the list of Special Invitees to attend the meeting as Observers.
The Session concluded with expression of “Best Wishes” to H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin by the Hon’ble Chairman, Dean of Diplomatic Corps in India, Their Excellencies the ambassadors and delegates. H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin thanked the Hon’ble Chairman and Excellencies for their heartfelt wishes.
The Secretary General visited Maldives
29 to 31 July 2019
H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO visited Maldives from 29 to 31 July 2019. During the visit, the Secretary General paid a courtesy call on Her Excellency Ms Zaha Waheed, Minister of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture, Government of Maldives and briefed her about AARDO and its activities, programmes, membership procedure and likely benefits to the people of Maldives.
The Secretary General also met H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ahmed and H.E. Mr. Hassan Rasheed, both State Ministers of Fisheries and Agriculture respectively, and briefed them about AARDO activities. The Secretary General also extended an invitation to the Hon’ble Ministers to join AARDO.
The Secretary General has had the opportunity to meet and briefed about AARDO to Dr. (Ms.) Shafia Aminath (Ph.D), Permanent Secretary, Mr. Ibrahim Shabau, Director General of Agriculture and Dr. M. Shiham Adam (Ph.D), Director General of Fisheries, Ms. Shafiya Naem, Director, Fisheries Research Centre and Mr. Amir Ali, Director, Training and Extension Centre. The Secretary General met with the Executive Director of the National Disaster Management Authority and discussed the issue at the national level; and what AARDO is providing to its members in this regard.
The Secretary General visited fish and vegetable markets to observe their operations and fisheries contribution to the national economy.

The Secretary General, AARDO visits Heads of Diplomatic Missions of Eligible Member Countries
July 2019
H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El Sreihin, Secretary General AARDO, has visited diplomatic missions of the following eligible member countries in New Delhi in July 2019: Republic of Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), Republic of Maldives, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Rwanda and Kingdom of Thailand. He called on the Honourable Ambassadors and High Commissioner of these countries to hold discussions on matter of mutual interest. During the meeting, the Secretary General explained about the activities of AARDO and the benefits to be derived by these countries should they decide to join AARDO as distinguished member.
During his visit to the Royal Thai Embassy on 18 July 2019, Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Assistant Secretary General and Secretary General-Designated joined the Secretary General in the meeting.

The Secretary General attended CIRDAP 34th Technical Committee (TC-34)
27 – 28th June 2019
The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP), (Dhaka) organized the 34th Technical Committee Meeting (TC-34) at National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hyderabad on 27th – 28th June 2019. The Technical Meeting was preceded by International Symposium on "Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation". The Secretary General represented AARDO at the above event and made a presentation on AARDO and its activities during the Technical Committee meeting. During his stay in Hyderabad, the Secretary General has had discussion with the Director General, CIRDAP and Director General, NIRD&PR to explore the possibility for organizing some collaborative activities.

AARDO Executive Committee: Special Session
11th June 2019
The Special Session of the AARDO Executive Committee was held at The Claridges Hotel, New Delhi, India, on 11th June 2019. The Session was held under the chairmanship of H.E. Dato' Dr. Ahmad Jailani Bin Muhamed Yunus, Secretary General, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of Malaysia, and, Hon’ble President of the AARDO Executive Committee. The Session was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, His Excellency Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon’ble Minister of Rural Development, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare & Panchayati Raj, Government of the Republic of India.
Twelve (12), out of 13 members of the Executive Committee, namely People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of China (Taiwan), Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Ghana, Republic of India, Malaysia, Republic of Mauritius, Sultanate of Oman, State of Palestine, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of Tunisia and, Republic of Zambia, attended the Session. His Excellency Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO, attended the meeting as the Member Secretary to the Executive Committee.
The Secretary General, AARDO, extended a warm welcome to the Hon’ble Chief Guest, the Hon’ble President of Executive Committee, the Ambassadors/ High Commissioners and Diplomats who attended the inauguration and the distinguished delegates for sparing their invaluable time to attend the Special Session. The Hon’ble President, in his speech, expressed profound thanks to the Hon’ble Chief Guest for gracing the occasion and inaugurating the Session as well as to the esteemed Government of India for extending support to AARDO, since its inception, and wished for a successful outcome of the meeting. The Hon’ble Chief Guest, in his inaugural address, stated that India is focusing in a strong way on enhancing famers’ income and improving the quality of life in the rural areas of the country through effective measures for social, economic and political empowerment of the rural population. He also announced, with applause from delegates, the re-allocation of USD 600,000, as India’s additional technical contribution to AARDO, for the triennium 2020-2022. After the addresses, Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Assistant Secretary General, AARDO, expressed his sincere thanks to the Chief Guest, the President, the Secretary General and all the distinguished delegates for their august presence in the inaugural session.
The Special Session of the Executive Committee was convened to elect the new Secretary General of African–Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO). After adoption of the Provisional Agenda, the Committee unanimously appointed Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Assistant Secretary General, AARDO, as the new Secretary General of AARDO, for a term of four (4) years, with effect from 03rd September 2019. After the unanimous decision, the Hon’ble President, the Secretary General, and other distinguished members of the Executive Committee congratulated Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh by wishing him a fruitful tenure. Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh also thanked the Executive Committee and assured his full commitment in achieving the noble objectives of AARDO.
Deputation of Expert from India to Namibia for Annual Rural Development Progress Review and Planning Workshop on “Rural Development Programmes and Projects”, Oshana Region, Namibia
09 - 17 June 2019
The deputation of experts from one member country to another is one of the important activities of the Organization. Under this programme, AARDO provides services of the experts to the member countries on specific request from the concerned country in the field of agricultural and rural development.
On request from the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD), Government of the Republic of Namibia for deputation of expert, Prof. Dilip Vishnu Deshpande from Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management (VAMNICOM), Pune, Maharashtra, India, was deputed by AARDO to visit Namibia, for a period of one week, during 09-17 June 2019 to address the above workshop on the following issues and for other related assignment: 1) Sustainable Rural Enterprises Development with Particular Reference to Self-Help Community Projects; and 2)Value Chain Development for Rural Micro & Small Enterprises Goods and Services.
The workshop targeted reduction of poverty through employment creation, particularly for the youth in rural areas, by involving them in socio-economic development activities. The main objectives of the workshop were: i) to provide a platform to bring together various role players in rural development, especially at Central and Regional Governments level to report/account on the actual outputs and outcomes as well as on the utilization of budgetary resources allocated during a preceding year; ii) to enhance coordination and synergies among rural development stakeholders; and iii) to plan and agree on required improvements as well as activities to be carried out in the following/current financial year.
The national workshop, conducted at Ongwediva Trade Fair Centre, Oshana Region, was attended by Hon’ble Governors, Hon’ble Chairpersons of Regional Councils, Senior Officials of MURD and other Ministries connected with Rural Development. A Representative from United Nations International Children's Fund (UNICEF) also attended the workshop.
The workshop started with the African Union and Namibian National Anthems. It was inaugurated by Hon. Mr. Derek Klazen, Deputy Minister, MURD on 10 June 2019. He delivered the Keynote Address of Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Government of the Republic of Namibia. He welcomed all the participants with the following quote from Sri Aurobindo, a famous Indian saint: “The village is the cell of the national body and the cell life must be healthy and developed for the national body to be healthy and developed”. This quote sums up the central place that rural areas and communities occupy in any nation, thus the imperative need for deliberate measures to improve living conditions in rural areas and for rural development to be an integral part of any national development.
In the context of Namibia, rural development has been perceived as a cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary issue. Therefore, the Government of Namibia is addressing the rural transformation with a systematic, multi-faceted and multi-dimensional National Rural Development Strategy (NRDS). The strategy is coordinated by the Directorate of Rural Development, within the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD).
The workshop was facilitated by Hon. Mr. Nghidinua Daniel, Permanent Secretary (Executive Director) of MURD. He was supported by a team consisting Mr J A Kasheeta, Director, Rural Development and Mr K Shinohamba, Deputy Director of Rural Development. It was conducted very systematically and professionally, wherein participative and collaborative learning environment was provided for healthy discussions and debates. A presentation was made by Mr. K Shinohamba, Deputy Director on AARDO activities and he acknowledged the development support of AARDO to Namibia.
Prof. Deshpande made two presentations – one on ‘Self Help’ Initiatives like ‘Self Help Groups’ (SHGs), Cooperatives, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), etc. and another on “Value Chain Development”. The presentations were keenly listened by Honourable Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of Urban and Rural Development as well as Hon. Mr. Nghidinua Daniel, Permanent Secretary (Executive Director) of MURD.
There was a lot of interest in the topics as the number of questions and clarifications were asked on the same. These ideas were included in the conclusions /resolutions of the workshop also. Prof. Deshpande was interviewed by the National TV (NBC- Namibian Broadcasting Corporation) and was shown as a part of the workshop coverage in prime time news.
During the concluding secession, a presentation of workshop recommendations was made by Hon. Mr. Nghidinua Daniel, Permanent Secretary (Executive Director) of MURD. Hon’ble Dr. Peya Mushelenga, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development delivered the closing remarks.
The workshop ended with the African Union and Namibian National Anthems.
The Secretary General Visited Laxmanrao Inamdar National Academy for Cooperative Research and Development (LINAC)
10 May 2019
On the kind invitation from Chief Director, Laxmanrao Inamdar National Academy for Cooperative Research and Development (LINAC), Gurugram, Haryana, the Secretary General, AARDO graced, as Chief Guest, the valedictory function of the Foundation Course for 23 newly recruited young officials by National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). The programme was organized by LINAC at its Campus on 10 May 2019. The Assistant Secretary General also accompanied the Secretary General.
The Secretary General delivered an address in the valedictory function and highlighted the role of AARDO in promoting cooperatives in African-Asian countries. He also presented medals and certificates to the graduates.

Visit of High Commissioner of Uganda to AARDO
09 May 2019
Her Excellency Ms Akello Dinah Grace, High Commissioner of Uganda to India paid a courtesy call on H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO on 9 May 2019. Ms. Sophie Birungi, Second Secretary in the High Commission accompanied Her Excellency.
The delegation was received by the Secretary General and Senior Officials of AARDO. During the meeting, the Secretary General apprised the delegation about the programmes and activities of AARDO for the benefit of AARDO member countries. The Secretary General also explained the various benefits the Government of Uganda could derive by becoming a distinguished member of AARDO.
A presentation of AARDO’s history, organizational structure and technical activities in detailed was also shared with the delegation.
Her Excellency was highly impressed with the activities of AARDO and shown keen interest to join AARDO. She mentioned that a strong recommendation will be made to the capital for joining AARDO.

The Secretary General Visits Malawi
08-10 April 2019
At the kind invitation of the Honourable Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Government of the Republic of Malawi, H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO paid a visit to Republic of Malawi on 8-10 April 2019.
During the visit, the Secretary General called on H.E. Mr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, MP, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Government of Republic of Malawi on 9 April 2019 and had constructive and fruitful discussions on matters of mutual interest. The Secretary General also apprised the Hon'ble Minister of the activities and programmes of AARDO and invited the esteemed Government to derive more benefits from AARDO's different programmes such as Human Resource Development, development projects, study visits, deputation of experts, etc.
Prior to his meeting with the Hon’ble Minister, the Secretary General had a meeting with the Permanent Secretary and senior officials of the esteemed Ministry on 8th April 2019. It was followed by a meeting, attended by senior officers and representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture and Education and Lilongwe University for Agriculture and Natural Resources, the discussions were led by the Permanent Secretary. During these meetings, the Secretary General elaborated on the activities of AARDO and explored, among others, the possibilities of indentifying AARDO’s Centre of Excellence in Malawi for training with a view to improving livelihood conditions in rural areas.

Liaison Committee | 73rd Session
14 March 2019
The 73rd Session of the Liaison Committee of AARDO was held on 14th March 2019 at hotel ‘The Leela Palace’, New Delhi, India and was chaired by H. E. Mr. Nor'azam Mohd. Idrus, Chargé d' Affaires a.i., on behalf of H.E. the High Commissioner of Malaysia to India, and Hon’ble Chairman of the Liaison Committee of AARDO. The Session was attended by twenty-nine (29) delegates from twenty one (21) member countries, namely, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of China (Taiwan), Republic of the Gambia, Republic of Ghana, Republic of India, Republic of Iraq, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Republic of Korea, Republic of Lebanon, State of Libya, Malaysia, Republic of Mauritius, Kingdom of Morocco, Sultanate of Oman, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, State of Palestine, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Yemen and Republic of Zambia. In addition, delegates from the Embassy of Republic of the Gabon, and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) attended the meeting as Observers. His Excellency Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO attended the meeting as Member Secretary to the Liaison Committee.
After the welcome address by the Secretary General, AARDO, the Committee commenced its business session. It took note of the follow -up action taken/proposed to be taken by the AARDO Secretariat on the decisions/recommendations of the 72nd Session of the Liaison Committee. The Committee reviewed the activities of the Organization, Membership Contribution and Member Relations for the period, July - December 2018. The Committee also took note of the projected programmes of AARDO to be organized from January to June 2019. It decided to hold its next (74th) Session on 13th August 2019 and approved the list of special invitees to attend the meeting as Observers.

International Training Programme on “Recent Advances in Agricultural Surveys: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications”
11 - 31 March 2019
The above titled training programme was organized by AARDO in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, at Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, (IASRI), New Delhi, from 11 to 31 March 2019, under additional technical contribution provided by the Governement of India to AARDO. Eight (08) participants from AARDO member countries, namely: Republic of China (Taiwan), Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Palestine and Tunisia, attended the programme.
The Inaugural Function of the programme, held on 11 March 2019, was graced by Dr. N.S. Rathore, Deputy Director General, Education, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Assistant Secretary General, AARDO and Dr. Lal Mohar Bhar, Director, IASRI who delivered their addresses. At the function, Dr. Tauqueer Ahmad, Head, Division of Sample Surveys, IASRI and Dr. Prachi Misra Sahoo, Principal Scientist and Course Director, IASRI also briefed about the background, course contents and field visits of the programme.
During the course of deliberations, the pertinent issues such as Planning and Organizational Aspects of Sample Surveys; Overview of Sampling Schemes; National Agricultural Statistics System; Remote Sensing Application in Agriculture; Geographic Information System (GIS) & Data Models in GIS; Land Recording System and Crop Production Estimation; Global Positioning System (GPS) and Indian Navigation System; Applications of Microwave Remote Sensing in Agriculture; Drone Remote Sensing for Precision Agriculture; etc. have been addressed by eminent resource persons and faculty of IASRI.
The field visits to various institutions and projects such as Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, Demonstration of Crop Cutting Experiment Station; Plant Phenomics Centre; Satellite Data Receiving Station; National Agricultural Science Museum; Advanced Supercomputing Hub for OMICS Knowledge in Agriculture (ASHOKA), etc., provided an opportunity to the participants to study and learn from the rich and varied Indian experiences.
The Valedictory function of the training, held on 30 March 2019, was graced by the Chief Guest, Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary, Department of Agriculture Research & Extension (DARE) & Director General, ICAR, and Guests of Honour Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Assistant Secretary General, AARDO and Dr. Prakash Chauhan, Director, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun who addressed the participants. Accordingly, dignitaries distributed the certificates of participation, CD’s and Momentos to the participants. Earlier, the participants had shared their experiences and gave positive feedback on the programme.

AARDO Signs MoU with CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM)
27 February 2019
African Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) and CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 27 February 2019 for cooperation in the areas of agri-marketing, agri-market infrastructure & agri-market value chain and agri-preneurship for promotion of farmers’ interests and inclusive growth in the AARDO member countries including India.
H E Eng Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO and Dr. P. Chandra Shekara, Director General, CCS NIAM signed the MoU in the gracious presence of Mr. P. K. Swain, Joint Secretary (Marketing), and Mr. H. Suanthang, Director (International Cooperation), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India in a ceremony held at the AARDO Secretariat. The MoU would provide a strong basis for concerted endeavors by AARDO and CCS NIAM to serve their common mandate and objective for African-Asian solidarity and South – South cooperation in the areas of agricultural and rural development.

AARDO Signs MoU with AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center
19 February 2019
African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) signed a new Memorandum of Understanding with AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Tainan, Taiwan on 19 Feb 2019 to jointly strengthen the existing collaboration between the two organizations in areas of common interest and by capitalizing on their comparative advantages, complementarities and synergies towards the shared goals of agricultural sector transformation, food and nutrition security and poverty reduction. The main objective of this collaboration is to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), in particular SDG1 and SDG2, i.e. reducing rural and urban poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and increasing employment opportunities, in particular for women and youth.
The MoU was signed by H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General for and on behalf of AARDO and by Dr. Marco C.S. Wopereis, Director General for and on behalf of AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center.
Under this MoU, AVRDC will continue allocating ten (10) slots under the fellowship provided by the esteemed Government of Republic of China (Taiwan) to AARDO sponsored candidates in the field of vegetables production and sustainable development.
International Training Workshop on “Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: Financial Inclusion and Rural Transformation”
16 - 27 February 2019
The above titled programme was organized by AARDO, in collaboration with Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla, Bangladesh, during 16-27 February 2019.
The broad objective of the training workshop was to enhance the knowledge of the participants on the concepts and cross cutting issues of financial inclusion, poverty reduction, rural transformation and delivery mechanism, through presentation, discussion and exposure visits. The specific objectives of the programme were to discuss the concept and relationship between sustainable development goals, financial inclusion and rural transformation to identify suitable methods and develop mechanism for financial inclusion of the rural poor, to describe importance and process of financial inclusion system and to share experiences of financial inclusion and development efforts in different AARDO member countries for attaining SDGs.
The Inaugural session, held on 16 February 2019, was chaired by Dr. M. Mizanur Rahman, Director General, BARD and Dr. Khushnood Ali, Head (Research Division), AARDO graced the occasion as Guest of Honor. Mr. Milan Kanti Bhattacharjee, Director (Training) and Mr. Mohammad Abdul Quadar, Workshop Director also graced the occasion by their presence on the dais. Accordingly, dignitaries delivered their addresses. During the session, Dr. M. Mizanur Rahman, presented a keynote paper and Dr. Jahangir Alam, Vice Chancellor of the University of Global Village acted as a discussant on the paper. Dr. Abdul Karim, Associate Workshop Director offered a vote of thanks to the dignitaries, participants and organizers.
The training workshop was attended by twenty three (23) participants from eleven (11) countries, namely, Bangladesh, Republic of China (Taiwan), Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, Republic of Korea, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Zambia and Bhutan. Besides, one senior officer of AARDO attended the programme.
During the various technical sessions, the pertinent issues related to Rural Transformation through Financial Inclusion addressed by the resource persons and faculty of BARD, provided the participants not only an opportunity to study and learn from the rich and varied Bangladesh experience, but to cross fertilize their respective experiences in tackling the issues and challenges of financial inclusion.
The field visits to BRAC Village Activities, Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar Project Village, Cooperative Society under Comprehensive Village Development Programme (CVDP), study tour to Cox’s Bazar, and other NGOs and institutions provided an opportunity to the participants to observe practical implementation of the concepts in Bangladesh.
The valedictory session of the programme was held on 27 February 2019. The session was chaired by Dr. M. Mizanur Rahman, Director General, BARD. Prof. Dr. Emran Kabir Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of Comilla University, and Dr. Khushnood Ali, Head (Research Division), AARDO graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Guest of Honor, respectively. Director (Training), Mr. Milan Kanti Bhattacharjee, Course Director Mr. Abdul Quader, Associate Workshop Director, Dr. Abdul Karim, and other Faculty Members were also present in the concluding session.
On behalf of the participants, the participants from Egypt, Zambia and Bangladesh shared their experiences and presented votes of thanks to the organizers for the successful organization of the programme. In fact, the programme schedule was well designed and included extensive and lively deliberations and discussions. The participants were highly appreciative of the contents of the programme and field visits, as well as for all the courtesies and kind hospitality extended to them during their stay in Bangladesh. The field visit to Cox’s Bazar was very useful and fascinating.


Executive Committee - 71st Session
12 - 14 February 2019
The 71st Session of AARDO Executive Committee was held in New Delhi on 12–14 February 2019 under the chairmanship of H.E. Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Jailani Bin Muhamed Yunus, Secretary General, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of Malaysia, and Hon’ble President of the Executive Committee of AARDO. Twelve (12), out of thirteen (13) members of the Executive Committee, namely, Bangladesh, Republic of China (Taiwan), Egypt, Ghana, India, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritius, State of Palestine, Oman, the Sudan and Tunisia, attended the Session. Besides, High Commissioners/Ambassadors and senior diplomats of member countries attended the Inaugural Session held on 12th February 2019. H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO, attended the meeting as Member Secretary to the Committee.
While the Secretary General, AARDO, warmly welcomed the Hon’ble President and two Vice-Presidents of AARDO Executive Committee, distinguished delegates and invited guests, the Hon’ble President of AARDO Executive Committee expressed his pleasure to be with all dignitaries and invitees in his opening remarks.
After adoption of the Provisional Agenda, the Executive Committee approved the decisions taken by the 70th and 71st sessions of the Liaison Committee and also adopted their final reports. The Committee also adopted the Review of Activities, Membership Contribution, Member Relations for the period Oct’2017-Sep’2018 and audited Income and Expenditure for 2017 and unaudited for Jan-Sep’2018.
The Executive Committee approved, among other items, the terms and conditions of service for the next Secretary General, for which the Special Session will be held on 11 June 2019 to elect new incumbent and recommendations of the Ad hoc Committee (held on 10-11 July 2018), for revised membership contribution effective from 2020. The Committee also endorsed the MoU signed by AARDO with Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) on 01 March 2018 for cooperation on research and development in the field of agriculture.


International Training Programme on “Seed Production and Quality Evaluation”
12 - 25 February 2019
AARDO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India organized capacity building programme on above titled theme at Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, during 12-25 February, 2019 under the additional technical contribution provided by the Government of India to AARDO.
The programme was attended by ten (10) participants from eight (08) AARDO member countries, namely: R.O. China (Taiwan), Egypt, Gambia, R O Korea, Oman, Palestine, Sri Lanka and Tunisia. The field of specialization of the participants varied from seed improvement and propagation, seed production, seed certification, quality assurance, agricultural engineering to agriculture extension activities.
The inaugural programme began with welcome of the participants and brief introduction, followed by lecture of Dr. K. V. Prabhu, Chairperson, Protection of Pant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority at Division of Seed Science and Technology (DSST), ICAR-IARI, New Delhi on 12 February 2019.
A comprehensive schedule, covering 40 lectures, 7 hands-on practical sessions and 12 visits, was prepared covering all aspects of quality seed production, processing, storage and quality assurance at IARI, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Regional Station (NBPGR), New Delhi and Regional Station (RS), Karnal. Besides, other related areas such as GM detection and testing procedures, system of variety release, plant variety protection and seed legislation etc. were also dealt in-depth. Visits were arranged to seed production plots of field and vegetable crops, National Agricultural Science Museum, IARI Museum, Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology (CPCT), National Gene Bank (NBPGR), Nanaji Deshmukh Plant Phenomics Centre, National Phytotron Facility, National Seeds Corporation, New Delhi and vegetable seed processing facility at NSC, Agra. The trainees also visited historical places in Delhi and Taj Mahal (Agra). The participants were provided with a complete set of soft copy of all lectures and a comprehensive training manual covering lectures and practical exercises.
The valedictory function-cum-interactive Dinner was organized on 24 February 2019 at NASC Complex after the successful completion of training programme and distribution of certificates to the participants. The occasion was graced by H.E. Eng. Wassfi Hassan El-Sreihin, Secretary General, AARDO, Dr. A .K. Singh, Director, ICAR-IARI, Dr Ashok. K. Singh, Jt. Dir. (Res.), ICAR-IARI and Dr. D. K. Yadav, Head, DSST, ICAR-IARI. On behalf of the participants, a vote of thanks was extended by the participant from Palestine.


International Training Programme on “Use of Poor Quality Waters in Agriculture”
07 - 20 February 2019
AARDO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, organized the above specialized training course at Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal, Haryana, India, during 07 - 20 February 2019, under the Additional Technical Contribution provided by the Government of India to AARDO for the lager benefits of AARDO member countries. The programme was attended by 10 participants from following AARDO member countries, Republic of China (Taiwan), Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Sri Lanka and Tunisia. Besides, one resource person from Tunisia presented expert paper on the subject of the programme. This programme coincided with the CSSRI Golden Jubilee celebrations.
H.E. Eng. Wassafi Hassan El-Sreihin, the Secretary General, AARDO was the Chief Guest at the Inaugural Function of the ICAR-CSSRI Golden Jubilee International Salinity Conference (GJICS) and also of the International Training programme. Dr. Masa Iwanaga, President, Japan International Research centre for Agriculture Sciences (JIRCAS), Japan, Dr. Ismahane Elouafi, Director General, Internal Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai and Mr Tomio Shichiri, FAO Representative to India, were the Guests of Honour. Dignitaries delivered their respective addresses. Dr. P.C Sharma, Director, CSSRI, and Dr. R.K Yadav, Principal Scientist & Head, Division of Soil and Crop Management, CSSRI, were also present on the occasion and extended their welcome addresses and briefed about the programme.
During the initial three days, the participants attended the International Salinity Conference in which they were made aware about the global extent and distribution of salinization and poor quality water status, issues, technological solutions and possible future directions. After completion of the GJISC, the structured theoretical tutorials with simultaneous hands on practice sessions were conducted on identification, characterization and defining poor quality water and soil salinization. The training also included tutorials, as well as practical, on technological information for soil salinization mitigation, water quality improvement, and agronomic practices for sustainable management of poor quality water for irrigation, crop improvement approaches, agro-forestry, horticulture, sub-surface drainage, ground water recharge, GIS and remote sensing, water management, including use of sewage and industrial water and bioremediation. Besides, different field visits were also conducted to improve participants’ skills and knowledge on management of poor quality water.
The concluding session of AARDO programme was held on 20th February 2019 where participants shared their experiences. The participants feedback showed that there was 80-90% improvement in their skills and knowledge on use of poor quality water for irrigation.


International Workshop-cum-Training Programme on “Water Resource Management for Sustainable Development”
04 – 17 February 2019
AARDO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India organized the above titled Programme at National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR), Hyderabad, India, during 04–17 February 2019, under the additional technical contribution provided by the Government of India to AARDO for the capacity building programme.
The main objectives of the programme were to acquaint the participants with policies, strategies and programmes for conservation and development of water resource, provide better understanding of socio-economic environment and technological options for efficient management of water resource for sustainable development, appreciate the linkages between poverty and environmental degradation in the light of historical experience of the modern and traditional practices of water resource management, impart knowledge on local institutional mechanisms for efficient utilization of water resource for optimum results through case analysis and exposure visits.
The Inaugural Function of the programme was held on 04 February 2019, with a welcome address by Mrs. Radhika Rastogi, IAS, Deputy Director General, NIRD&PR and inaugural address by Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Assistant Secretary General, AARDO.
The programme was attended by twenty (20) participants from thirteen (13) AARDO member countries namely: Bangladesh, R.O. China (Taiwan), Egypt, Jordan, Malawi, Mauritius, Malaysia, Namibia, Oman, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia and Zambia. Besides, one resource person from Tunisia presented an expert paper on the subject of the programme.
The eminent speakers from different organizations shared their knowledge with the participants. Apart from lecture sessions, the participants had visited various institutions viz., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Centre for Good Governance (CGG), Rural Technology Park (RTP) and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT) to understand and experience their functions in governance and water resource management. The Programme addressed the different issues of sustainable water resource management under various sessions viz. water resource management, GIS application for water resource management, traditional water harvesting system, enhancing water use efficiency in water scarce region, impact of land use practices on water resources, community mobilization in natural resource management, watershed planning, impact of climate change on water resource management, water management for sustainable agriculture and participatory irrigation management .
A four days study tour was organized to Karnataka State. During the field visit, the participants visited watershed project and sustainable livelihoods created under watersheds in Chikkaballapur District to study the watershed development activities. In a visit to Vishweshwaraiah Canal (VC) Farm Mandya, University of Agriculture Science, Bangalore, the participants interacted with scientists and witnessed different agricultural activities of the college. The participants have had practical exposure to natural ecosystem at Biligiriranga (BR) hills which is at the confluence of Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats. Natural farming under five layer principles was also shown and explained to the participants during their field visit to ‘Amruthabhumi’ (Public Charitable Trust).
The concluding session of the programme was held on 16 February 2019. The participants shared their experiences on training and expressed their thanks to the organizers, especially to AARDO and NIRDPR for successfully organizing the programme. They also expressed that getting to know geographical and social framework of Southern India and relishing local cuisine had been a memorable experience for them.


Delegation from the Association of African Students (AASI) in India, New Delhi, visited AARDO Secretariat
4 February 2019
An eight-member delegation from the Association of African Students in India (AASI), New Delhi, headed by Mr. Merveil Ngongo, President, AASI and native of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), paid a visit to the AARDO Secretariat on 4 February 2019 for a meeting with H.E. the Secretary General. The delegation comprised students from Cameroon, DR Congo, Nigeria and Zambia who are presently studying in universities in India. Senior officers of AARDO Secretariat were present in the meeting. A warm welcome was extended to the delegation and pleasantries exchanged.
Terming the delegation members as the ambassadors of their countries, the Secretary General remarked that the delegation’s visit would provide an opportunity to both AARDO and AASI to know more about each other’s activities. AASI has some implicit relationship with AARDO as some of its countries are also members of AARDO. Mr. Ezeugo Nnamdi Lawrence, Secretary General & Coordinator, AASI and hailing from Nigeria, thanked the Secretary General and his colleagues for positively responding to their request to visit AARDO Secretariat and according them a hearty welcome. He informed that AASI, formed in 1963, aims at uniting all African students in India and promoting their collective interests. AASI works for the welfare of the students and encourages, stimulates and creates opportunities for interaction, exchange of ideas and active participation in society. Their objective to visit AARDO Secretariat was to know about the activities of the Organization and how international Organizations function. The remarks were followed by a presentation by the Head, IEC Division about AARDO.
The delegation members also showed interest in AARDO publications.


International Workshop- cum- Training Programme on “Fisheries and Aquaculture”
15 - 28 January 2019
AARDO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has organized the above titled Programme at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Cochin, Kerala, during 15-28 January 2019, under the additional technical contribution provided by the Government of India to AARDO for the capacity building programme.
The inaugural function of the programme, held on 15 January 2019, was graced by: Sri K. S. Srinivas, IAS, Chairman, Marine Product Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Kochi, Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Assistant Secretary General, AARDO and Dr. T. V. Sathianandan, Director in Charge, CMFRI. Dr. Imelda Joseph, Head, Mariculture Division & Course Director, CMFRI, was also present on the occasion.
The programme was attended by thirteen (13) participants from eleven (11) AARDO member countries, namely: Bangladesh, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Oman, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia and Zambia.
The objective of the programme was to strengthen the rural sector in their respective countries through organized fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The programme was conducted at Cochin with a visit to Mandapam Regional Research Centre of CMFRI. Resource persons from CMFRI and National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR), Cochin had conducted the sessions at Kochi and Mandapam on various aspects of fisheries and aquaculture. The participants visited MPEDA Fish Hatchery at Vallarpadam, Kochi, National Referral Museum Library, Marine Aquarium and Agriculture Technology Information Centre of CMFRI at Cochin. Moreover, a series of field visits to cage farms, net factory, and fishing harbours at Kochi, marine finfish and ornamental fish hatchery at Mandapam etc. were also included in the programme.
The Valedictory Function, held on 28 January 2019, was graced by Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Director, CMFRI. On the occasion, Dr. Somy Kuriakose, Programme Coordinator delivered the welcome address. Dr. Imelda Joseph, Course Director briefed on the entire programme and Mr. Rajesh N. the co-coordinator proposed a vote of thanks. An evaluation of training as well as trainees was carried out towards the end of the programme. A Course Manual was also released on the occasion. The participants shared their experiences and gave feedback on the programme and subsequently received the certificates of participation.

